The Importance of Postnatal Planning

Many couples spend a lot of time planning and preparing for birth (and rightly so) but they forget to plan and prepare for the postnatal period, when things can be most challenging and overwhelming. Whether your vision for after birth looks joyous or overwhelming you will benefit from preparing for this time by ensuring you have the support and encouragement you need to achieve the postnatal period YOU WANT and DESERVE. 

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If one more person tells me I'm never going to sleep again, I'll scream: Coping with sleep deprivation

In the words of one of my clients (I changed it for the title because I was worried threat of violence might put people off! haha):

“If one more person tells me I’m never going to sleep again, I’m going to punch them in the face! We didn’t choose to have a baby without knowing it was going to affect our sleep!”. 

I get it, its frustrating when people make remarks without backing it up with any tips or tricks to actually be helpful. But thats what this blog is about today.  

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